I am really excited about the fun party game toys I found to show you today. Both games are from the KidSmart Website.
First off is a toy Egg and Spoon Race. Retailing for $12.00, you get 4 brightly colored easy to grip spoons, and REUSABALE- BREAKABLE egg shells with, 4 bean bag yolks. Perfect for 2-4 players. How cool is that. All the fun, but with out the mess!

For all of you here in Central Alberta you can check Debra's Kid Smart facebook page out at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=99645720723[url]
Everyone else can go online to http://www.kidsmartshop.com/store/scripts/default.asp
Egg and Spoon Racing is a blast. At the daycare I worked at we used that same toy - lotsa fun and good for the little ones - taking apart and putting back together for their fine motor skills
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Come on by and pick it up (that is if you want it)
Following from MBC!
Great blog, thanks for the follow!
Hi, I'm a new follower from the MBC. Nice blog!
We have the egg and spoon race and love it! Thanks for following The Snail's Trail! I love your blog!
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