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Sunday, February 28, 2010

My families grocery budget

I am working hard at cutting down my families expenses. To start I am trying to keep track of what I am spending on groceries. Watching the fliers for sales, using coupons when ever possible, stocking up on items we use alot of when they are on sale. My ultimate goal would be to spend $100/ week on groceries and supplies for my family of 4 , not sure if it is possible, we will have to see.






Febuary 27th


Diapers, wipes, cleaners, shampoo, razors, 4 deoderants, 6 cling wraps, Epsom salts for mister, pop, 13 boxes of cereal, spaghetti sauce, hamburger meat, pizza meats, pizza mix, 3 bottles of Motrin, baby mum mums, 3 packs hot dogs, lettuce, Pringles, Doritos, shake n bake, mozza cheese,

Used $88.56 in coupons








Jessica said...

Good goal! My boyfriend and I are trying out couponing for the first time - think the key after tonight's trip to the grocery will be to get a little bit more organized!

Leslee said...

Oh Jennifer! You rock! Good for you and I wish you luck on your project! $88+ in coupons! WOW!!! You must clip alot ! I'll be anxioulsy awaiting your updates.

Moms On The Go said...

Being organized is probably the hardest part. The night before I go shopping I sit down, go through the fliers circle everything I am going to buy. I them make a shopping list. I do most of my shopping in one store. I price match every thing to the weekly fliers so that I get the best deal. So on my shopping list I write the name of the product, the quanity I am buying, the price, name of the flier I am price matching to, and the amount of coupons I am using. I paperclip all the like coupons together. Takes alot of time but well worth it :)